Raw. Rustic. Rough. Opaque. Whatever you want to call them, these natural diamonds are beautiful for all the same reasons that women are beautiful. We love their strength, we love how they come in all shapes and sizes, we love their ability to cut through crap, we love them for their internal flaws that make them interesting, they are beautiful when they are polished and pristine, and they are beautiful when they are straight from the earth and totally natural.
Natural diamonds come in shades from pale grey to yellows, oranges, blues, browns and blacks. Their sparkling uneven surfaces gives them a random and mysterious glitter. They feel fragile but they are incredibly durable. They are fascinating and tactile. Paired with yellow gold, these stunning carbon personalities are a sight to behold. Interested to know the best places to shop for a natural diamond or rustic diamond engagement ring? Need some education on the topic? That what we are here for! We can probably cover most questions during a complimentary consultation. Or your can check out our super badass board for a curated selected of the best raw, rough and natural diamond rings out there.
March 2021